Moneyone Data Governance Platform
Moneyone data governance platform is a brand owned by Fintech Products & Solutions India Private Limited which is the holding company for both Moneyone and Onemoney. It offers two products named FinPro & FinShare. These products are access points or enablers for financial information users (FIUs) and financial information providers (FIPs) and are independent of the account aggregator ecosystem.
Moneyone FinPro FIU Server
It is a data value management platform for financial information users (FIUs).
It has two components, an FIU server which has a set of APIs including a ready implementation of the account aggregator APIs as specified by REBIT and an administrator portal.
Three main capabilities of Moneyone FinPro FIU Server:
Data Access enablement – Enables any financial information user to quickly onboard to AA ecosystem as it supports integration with any authorized account aggregator. It has a ready implementation of account aggregator APIs as specified by ReBIT (Reserve Bank of India IT) which allows placing a consent request, store the consent artefact, place a onetime or periodic encrypted data request, send and receive notifications to and from AA, fetch encrypted financial information from AA and decrypt the financial information received from AA. It has a set of APIs which can be integrated with any FIU application which consumes data received from an account aggregator for any value added service.
Data Governance – Purges or archives the data after expiry of data storage period so that it cannot be misused for any other purpose for which customer has not consented for. In addition, the Data Governance capability covers several other features that will become a necessity once the Data Protection Bill is passed in the Indian parliament in the weeks to come.
Data Analytics – With the help of a product called C.A.R.T. Analytics from Novel Patterns a partner company, C.A.R.T. facilitates end-to-end automation removing any manual intervention in the complete process through BOTS in effect reducing overall TAT and enhanced efficiency.
Moneyone FinShare FIP Gateway
It is a Data Governance platform and an API gateway for FIPs
It quickly onboards an FIP with all features and APIs as specified by ReBIT. It supports integration with all licensed AAs.
It maintains latest status of linked accounts and consents. It connects with internal APIs of FIPs to fetch financial data, converts them to the standard schema format as specified by ReBIT
It encrypts data and shares the data with an AA based on explicit digitally signed consent artefact.
The platform includes API sandbox of FinPro and FinShare. The APIs can be tested using Postman.
The links to FinPro API sandbox and FinShare API sandbox are given below.
FinPro API Sandbox -
FinShare API Sandbox -