PFM Usecase for a New User

Usecase of a new user who has not registered with Onemoney Account Aggregator.
The user journey is explained taking Onemoney AA as the Account Aggregator and SBI Yono as the FIU.
A Redirection to a Onemoney responsive web application happens for user registration, account linking and consent request approval.
In this journey, the customer selects an account aggregator from the list of account aggregators (in this case, Onemoney) presented to him on the Yono app. The customer selects an option to register with Onemoney using the responsive web app. The user is then redirected to Onemoney responsive web application in a mobile browser where the user registers himself with Onemoney. After registering himself, the user links his accounts held with one or more financial institutions. On successful registration and linking of accounts, the user is redirected back to Yono app to place a consent request. On placing Consent request, the user is redirected back to the Onemoney responsive web app to approve the Consent. On approval of the Consent, the user is once again redirected to the Yono app, where he views the balance and transactions of his other bank accounts.

The user journey is illustrated below